Sunday, December 30, 2012

Stocking Swap Gifts

It is Sunday, December 30, 2012.  the next to last day of the year and it is really, really cold here today.  There is no snow or moisture of any kind, but what is new about that?  It is just cold air and even colder winds.  A great day to be inside sewing and blogging.  So, as a result, there may be more than one posting today so stay tuned.  The camera finally made it up the stairs and to the office.  It has been down the hall in my bedroom for about a week now.  I don't know why it couldn't walk the 15 steps down to the office before now, but that is life.  Finally, I get to share with all of you the gifts I received from my Stocking Swap partner, Ellen of Ellen Gets Craftsy.  This swap was so much fun and I am so thankful to everyone who made the commitment and hung in there until the end.
Below are most of the gifts I received from Ellen.  I say most because I was so excited when I opened the large cardboard box and saw everything individually wrapped, I was like a child and started opening presents.  After the first two or three, I made myself stop so I could get a picture of everything.  Isn't that what bloggers do?  Take pictures of everything.  That is why I am not the best blogger.  I always forget to take pictures.  Anyway, she did an awesome job of wrapping each gift individually.
They each had their own handmade tags that coordinated with the month.  On the back of the tags it had what month it was and what we were to make that month.  Can you guess the months from the tags below?

A lot of work went into making each of those tags.  I love them and have them kept to show my Bee friends group in January.   Matter of fact, I have put all my gifts into the bag that I received so I can be sure to have them all together for the January Quilt In meeting.  I am forcing myself not to take anything out of the bag.  I wouldn't want to leave anything out of the sharing so after the January meeting, everything will be put to use. It's like a delayed Christmas present to myself!  Here is a picture of everything. 

 I thought I took pictures of everything individually, but I guess I only did a few items.  Below is the amazing journal.  I love the fact that Ellen painted and crafted the cover.  It is awesome.  I just can't find words for how wonderful this journal is.  See the beading on the right side?  WOW!

Then, there is this fantastic pin cushion with a gorgeous pin.  It is beautiful!  It also came with a package of pins, not just that one. 

I love everything!!  I can't wait until the January meeting.  I am going to use my mug that day to have coffee at the meeting!!  Everyone will be so jealous of me when they drink their coffee from the styrofoam cups! 

I was just over on Ellen's site Ellen Gets Craftsy and she has posted detailed pictures of the gifts she made.    

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy you are enjoying your year of goodies! Thank you so much for planning this swap - I had a lot of fun making something each month!
